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Message from the Leadership Team
Congratulations to all those involved in last Friday’s Swimming Carnival. It was a wonderful day and well done to Leonard House for taking out the Overall Combined Shield. While there were many individual success stories, the biggest winner on the day was the overall school spirit. I congratulate those students who attended on their behaviour and willingness to have a go.

Uniform Issues
Sports shirts
- Thank you to those who have provided us feedback about the challenges faced with the fabric of the new sports shirts. We have been in touch with the supplier and will be working with them to try to find a solution moving forward. Please note that it will not be a quick fix.
Formal uniform
- We have asked Perm-a-Pleat to add the school as a drop-down option for the delivery address for those who only have a PO Box. Until that happens families are able to type in the school’s address (1 Lance Street) and the item will be delivered to the Primary office.
- We have passed on the concerns about lack of tracking of the parcels and they are working on this. We are hopeful that this will be added to their processes.
- Unfortunately , there has been a delay in the fabric for the softshell jackets and these will not be available until early May. However, the jumpers are now available online from the Perm-a-Pleat store:
Events in the Next Week
Friday: February 28 |
Year 5 Excursion 8.50am - 4.00pm Herbert Edward Tennis Cup (Secondary) |
Sunday: March 2 | |
Monday: March 3 | Labour Day Public Holiday |
Tuesday: March 4 | ACC Secondary Basketball Comp 7.00am - 3.30pm |
Wednesday: March 5 | Ash Wednesday Liturgies (Sec: 8.50am / Prim: 12.30pm) |
Thursday: March 6 | |
Friday: March 7 |
Primary Assembly |
Term 1 Dates for your Diary
Monday: March 10 | Parent Workshop (WANSLEA) 6.00pm @ Primary |
Tuesday: March 11 | CAPSS (Primary) Interschool Swimming Carnival |
Saturday: March 15 | School Community Mass 5.30pm |
Thursday: March 20 | ACC (Secondary) Interschool Swimming Carnival |
Friday: March 28 | P&F Colour Run |
Friday: April 4 | Pre-Kindy G 2025 Information Session 2.00pm |
Wednesday: April 9 | Parent Teacher Meetings (Secondary only) |
Friday: April 11 | Term 1 Concludes |
School Fees for 2025 School Year
The School Advisory Council has endorsed the increase of the school fees by 4%. This is an average figure, with the primary fees not being impacted as much by the increases. This was tabled at the Annual School Community Meeting in November. A link to the 2025 school fees can be found here.
This week's clip has a focus on 'Turning the other Cheek' and Human Dignity as we launch Project Compassion.
Project Compassion
Sacramental Programs
If you would like your child to participate in the Sacramental Programs this year please complete the form attached to the image below and return it to the school addressed to Mrs Kathy Pollard along with the registration fee (cash please) , thank you.
If you have any queries regarding the Sacramental Programs or if you would like to begin the process with a Baptism, please contact Kathy Pollard at
Leonard Day
Year 4 Classes
This term we have been busy learning how to write suspense stories, investigating the difference between laws and rules; and exploring the properties of odd and even numbers.
We cannot wait for the busy year ahead of us and all of the exciting things to come.
Little Joeys
Welcome back to Little Joeys in 2025: First Day Back!
After a very successful year with our 'Little Joey's Stay & Play' group last year for 0-3 year olds, we are running this group again in 2025. We are very excited to be able to offer this fun introduction to St Joseph’s School and we look forward to seeing the excited faces most Friday mornings.
Booking link:
Event code: bwfau
Leonard House Day
After beginning Leonard Day at Primary for a whole school assembly, more festivities were to be had during the lunchbreak at secondary.
Humanities & Social Sciences
Topography is the study of the forms and features of land surfaces. The topography of an area may refer to the landforms and features themselves, or a description or depiction in maps. While our Year 8s were learning how to read a Topographic map, the Year 11 Geography class was taking a more indepth look at natural features and calculating total areas in certain outlined parts of their maps.
The Primary Canteen is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Angela Sandrini (Primary) 9621 3525 |
Desrae Smith (Secondary) 9621 8104 |
Perm-a-Pleat News!
- Navy skirts are now available to order
- Size 14 blue relaxed shirts are out of stock and won’t be available until mid to late May
- Soft-shell jackets won’t be available until mid to late May, due to fabric delays
- New Jumpers/pullovers will be available from next week
A reminder that Perm-a-Pleat do not deliver to Post Office Boxes: please use your street address, thank you.
CDF Pay School Orders News!
Due to the high influx of online orders, Mrs James will get to them as quickly as she can but it may take up to a week from when you placed the order to your child bringing the items home. Once the initial rush slows down processing of orders should go back to a 2-3 day turn around.
Uniform Shop Information
Please note that we are no longer accepting donations of preloved uniform at school. Current uniform preloved items will still be available outside the uniform shop on Monday and Thursday afternoons, until the end of this year.
Please keep in mind when ordering that items will be sent home within 2-4 days of ordering.
All returns and or exchanges of uniforms to either Perm-a-Pleat or the St Joseph’s uniform shop are to be made within 14 days of initial purchase.
More information to come regarding return/exchange of Perm-a-Pleat items.
Michelle James
9621 3524
The P&F help run some of the major events held throughout the school year. I encourage all families and parents to get involved in the P&F; many hands make light work! It is also a great way to get to know other parents and families especially if you are new to the school!
Some key dates to put in your diaries:
- Colour Run: Friday March 28
- Easter Raffle: From week 8
Both the school and P&F Facebook pages are updated regularly and I encourage everyone to check both pages for up to date information. We also have a great addition with the 'P&F Uniform and Books Sale' Facebook page for families wanting to buy/sell uniforms and text books. We also have the individual year Facebook groups: if there are any parents new to your year please add them in!
P&F Meetings are held twice throughout the term. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and newsletters for dates.
All caregivers are welcome to attend the meetings and it would be great to have many people there to help support our school! We have lots of great events coming up this year, I can’t wait to share them with you!
If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to reach out! I look forward to working with you all this year!
Follow us on Facebook
To stay up to date with the P&F please follow our Facebook page for more updates:
Casey Pearse
P&F Chair
Navigating Inescapable Moments | Guest Speaker @ School March 10 |
Bringing Up Great Kids | 3 weeks starting on March 11 |
How to Work Positively With Your Child's School | Online via Zoom on March 13 |
Grandcarers Support Group | Monthly starting on March 26 |
For more information, visit headspace Northam or see their website.
Better Health Program
Kickstart the School Year with the Better Health Program
Give your family a healthy start to the year with the Better Health Program! Learn with your kids how to pack nutritious lunches, keep your kids active, and build lifelong healthy habits and more —all for free!
What’s included?
10 free calls with a health professional
Support from an accredited health professional
Join thousands of WA families making healthy changes today!
Free spots are available all year—start whenever you're ready, but be quick, spots are filling fast!
Signup - Better Health Program— it’s free!
I really appreciate your support in spreading the word—this is a fantastic free program for parents looking for guidance in raising healthy kids.
I’d love to hear back soon! Feel free to call or email me if you have any questions.
Leila Mohmedi
Community Engagement Officer
Saver Plus
Government Funded Program to support families with education expenses.
What is Saver Plus? Eligibility applies
Saver Plus is a program for people on lower incomes. It’s about bolstering their financial skills, so they can develop (and keep) good savings habits.
Since 2003, Saver Plus has supported more than 62,000 people to start saving.
It’s helped overcome the barriers around education expenses. And it’s helped set them up for a brighter future.
What are the eligible savings goals?
Eligible savings goals are education related products or services that:
- Assisting primary / secondary / Tertiary student’s education:
If you would like to know more about how the program works please feel free to contact me on the details below for an upcoming information session: Saver Plus General Information Session.
School Dental Therapy Centre
Please note that the School Dental Therapy Centre is available to see school-aged children from Pre-Primary to 16 years of age at their Northam Centre, located on the Northam Primary School campus. If any students require Dental Care, please contact us at the following:
Northam Dental Therapy Centre
c/- Northam Primary School (entry via Duke Street)
0458 644 530
Toodyay Junior Tennis Coaching is starting again!
Monday March 10 is our 'Come Along & Registration Day' for new and past kids alike. This is a great way for your child to check out tennis for this term. If they're unsure about joining, they can come along and try it out for free before registering!
Kids that already know they want to do it again this season can come along, have a play with the coaches whilst parents complete registration.
Monday March 10: 3.10pm - 4.30pm
Toodyay Recreation Centre
More information can be found on our Facebook page/group
Junior Coordinator
Stacey Dadd (0437 317 347)
Music Lessons