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Message from Leadership Team
Welcome back to the 2025 school year. It has been wonderful to see all the smiling faces and hear lots of holiday stories over the last 2 days. A particularly warm welcome to the new students on both campuses, we are sure you will be very happy here at St Joseph’s once you settle in.
We are moving back to a weekly newsletter. This will be the place with the latest ‘what you need to know’ information. We are rejigging the format to make it less wordy and with more graphics to help you organise your busy lives. This will continue to evolve over the course of the term. All the lovely photos that we were including will now be shared over our social media sites instead – you can follow us on Facebook & Instagram if you haven’t already.
New Staff for 2025
We are thrilled to welcome the following new staff to St Joseph’s School. All of them bring unique experiences and we can’t wait to see the value they add to our school.
One question we are asked frequently is where do I go to find out what I need? The infographic below is designed to help you with that.
Contacting the teacher: Parents may contact teachers through email during the school’s communication hours (8.00am to 4.00pm on school days) and we will endeavour to respond within 24 hours. For matters requiring a more in-depth conversation, the teacher may phone parents or request a meeting.
SeeSaw: Teachers publish child and class-related news and notes on the SeeSaw app - please check it regularly. Direct messaging with the teacher will no longer be offered on Seesaw - all teacher communication is via email, a phone call or in person. Download the SeeSaw Parent & Family app and the teacher will provide a QR code to log in.
Weekly newsletter: We provide parents with need-to-know school information, important dates and merit award winners in the weekly newsletter. Our aim is to only communicate with you once a week - please ensure you read the newsletter. Previous editions can be found under Quick Links - Newsletters.
Social media: You can choose to follow nice-to-know news, photos, events and videos on our Facebook and Instagram.
SEQTA Engage: A portal that provides access to to your child's school information, such as reports (all students), as well as timetables, assignments, assessments and communication (for secondary school students).
Use of student images: A pictures says a thousand words and permission for your child to appear in photos and videos helps immensely. We are respectful in the way we share images and do not publish children’s names on social media.
It has been lovely seeing many students starting to wear elements of the new uniform. Please remember that there is the two year transition period, so the old uniform is fine until the end of 2026. The only real rule is
- Old shirt = tucked in and grey shorts or pants = grey socks
- New shirt = hangs out and blue shorts, pants or skirt = white socks
Mrs James in the uniform shop has been absolutely run off her feet for the last 2 weeks bagging up online orders and helping people with appointments. Please be patient with her
Events in the Next Week
Friday: February 7 | Opening School Mass 9:00am Combined P&S in PAC |
Saturday: February 8 | Year 7 Parent Sundowner 6.00pm - 8.00pm |
Monday: February 10 |
Primary Swimming Trials 9.00am - 1.00pm (Yrs 4-6) Secondary Swimming Trials 11.00am - 3.00pm |
Tuesday: February 11 | |
Wednesday: February 12 | |
Thursday: February 13 | Secondary ‘Digital Tech’ Parent Information Session @ 6:00pm |
Friday: February 14 | Senior Secondary Ball |
Term 1 Dates for your Diary
Sunday: February 16 | Secondary Student Leaders Camp (Feb 16 - 18) |
Monday: February 17 | Year 6 Camp (Feb 17 - 19) |
Friday: February 21 | Interhouse Swimming Carnival Years 4 - 12 |
Tuesday: February 25 | Leonard House Day (wear something red) |
Monday: March 3 | Labour Day Public Holiday |
Wednesday: March 5 | Ash Wednesday Liturgies (Sec: 10.20am / Prim: 12.30pm) |
Monday: March 10 | Parent Workshop (WANSLEA) 6.00pm |
Tuesday: March 11 | CAPS (Primary) Interschool Swimming Carnival |
Saturday: March 15 | School Community Mass 5.30pm |
Thursday: March 20 | ACC (Secondary) Interschool Swimming Carnival |
Friday: March 28 | P&F Colour Run |
Friday: April 4 | Pre-Kindy G 2025 Information Session 2.00pm |
Wednesday: April 9 | Parent Teacher Meetings (Secondary only) |
Friday: April 11 | Term 1 Concludes |
2025 Term Dates
School Fees for 2025 School Year
The School Advisory Council has endorsed the increase of the school fees by 4%. This is an average figure, with the primary fees not being impacted as much by the increases. This was tabled at the Annual School Community Meeting in November. A link to the 2025 school fees can be found here.
Our Primary Campus got off to a great start this week with lots of interesting things to learn and great activities to do!
Year 7 Parent Sundowner
Tickets for our Year 7 Parents Sundowner are available now! Join us for a great night welcoming new parents and welcoming back current parents!
Ticket costs are $20 per ticket and are all inclusive.
Uniform Shop Information
Please note that we are no longer accepting donations of preloved uniform at school. Current uniform preloved items will still be available outside the uniform shop on Monday and Thursday afternoons, until the end of this year.
Please keep in mind when ordering that items will be sent home within 2-4 days of ordering.
All returns and or exchanges of uniforms to either Perm-a-Pleat or the St Joseph’s uniform shop are to be made within 14 days of initial purchase.
More information to come regarding return/exchange of Perm-a-Pleat items.
Michelle James
9621 3524
The Primary Canteen is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Angela Sandrini (Primary) 9621 3525 |
Desrae Smith (Secondary) 9621 8104 |
For more information, visit headspace Northam or see their website.
School Dental Therapy Centre
Please note that the School Dental Therapy Centre is available to see school-aged children from Pre-Primary to 16 years of age at their Northam Centre, located on the Northam Primary School campus. If any students require Dental Care, please contact us at the following:
Northam Dental Therapy Centre
c/- Northam Primary School (entry via Duke Street)
0458 644 530
Music Lessons