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Dear Lord,
We ask you to bless St Joseph's School Community.
We pray that you guide us to be just and to see,
listen, speak and act like St Joseph.
May we be inspired by our Founders to be the best
that we can be.
May we always keep Jesus at the centre of all we do.
St Emilie Pray for us
St Marcellin Pray for us
St Joseph Pray for us
And may we always remember to pray for one another.
Dear Members of St Joseph's Community
As we approach the end of term, we have started to notice a lapse in uniform standards. We ask that parents ensure that the correct uniform is worn to school each day – this includes making sure that the little things are correct, such as socks, hair ties, and that jewellery is removed. We appreciate your support with this.
ACC Athletics
Congratulations to all those competitors who took part in the ACC interschool Athletics last Friday. It was St Joseph’s best result to date and every competitor gave their very best effort. A big thank you to Ms Suckling and the Secondary PE team for their work.
Father's Day
We had the most magnificent turn out for our Father's Day breakfast last Friday. Just over 300 bacon and egg rolls were made and served. It was wonderful to see so many dads, grandads and male role models at the school. While the dads may have won the tug of war, the kids certainly gave them a run for their money. Thank you to the staff who came in very early and helped with the cooking and serving.
NAIDOC Week was held nationally earlier this year from 2 – 9 July. As this was during our school holidays, we will be celebrating NAIDOC Week across both campuses this coming week from 11 – 14 September. Students will be engaging in range of activities including class research projects on influential Indigenous Australians, art, craft and cooking experiences. Thank you to Mrs Boyce for all of the work she has put into preparing this exciting week ahead.
On Wednesday, 20 September we will be holding a Free Dress day to celebrate the AFL and NRL Grand Final Seasons. Students from Kindy to Year 12 are invited to come to school dressed in their favourite sporting team’s colours/attire. This may be a student’s own team that they play in, or their favourite professional team from any sporting code.
Dates for your diary
Week 9
Monday 11 September:
Tuesday 12 September:
- Years 11 & 12 Outdoor Ed 3-day Camp begins
Wednesday 13 September:
- Secondary da Vinci Astronomy Night
Thursday 14 September:
- RUOK Day
- Year 6 Brownes Dairy Excursion
- Early Close
- Years 11 & 12 OE Camp concludes
Friday 15 September:
- Primary NSSA Athletics Carnival
- Years 9 & 10 STEM WA State CO2 Dragster Competition
- Secondary Student Leaders' Nominations
Saturday 16 September:
- School Community Mass 5.30pm – Years 3 & 4
Sunday 17 September:
Week 10
Monday 18 September:
Tuesday 19 September:
- Years 1 & 2 Liturgy
Wednesday 20 September:
- Year 11 Camino & Overnight Retreat
- Sporting Colours Day
Thursday 21 September:
- Final Day for Year 12s (Farewell Assembly 1.30pm)
- Year 5/6 Football Trip to Newman College
- Early Close
Friday 22 September:
- Year 12s Celebration Day - Northam Country Club
- Term 3 concludes
Saturday 23 September:
- Practical ATAR Examinations Commence
Sunday September 24:
- Canberra trip begins
School Holidays
Sunday 1 October: Canberra Trip concludes
Monday 2 October: Year 12 Semester 2 Exams Commence
Friday 6 October: Uniform Shop Open
- 9.00am – 12.00pm: General opening Hours
- 1.00pm – 4.00pm: 2023 New Families only
Term 4
Monday 9 October: Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 10 October: Term 4 commences for students
God Bless
Andrea Woodgate
Weekly Gospel Reflection
This week's clip has a focus on 'Bad Habits' and what a 'Nan' would think if they knew some of our bad habits.
Year 4 Eucharist Retreat
On Tuesday 15 August the Year 4 cohort had the opportunity to experience a First Holy Communion Retreat with 24/7 Ministries. Students immersed themselves in a series of games, skits, short video clips and activities that stressed the importance of gathering as a community and the significance of Jesus in the Eucharist. Students made links with elements of community and the connections to Jesus in our lives.
The Year 4's had a great day and are very thankful to Jesse, Mark, Mario and Lucy for facilitating the Retreat.
Lloyd Reidy, Mikala Thomas & Ed Ewing
Teaching Staff
Mullewa Immersion
During Week 6, Year 11 students Hannah Macaraeg, Lily Parker and Madison Dymnicki joined students from Newman College on their annual Mullewa Immersion. Mrs Kathy Pollard attended as a staff representative and all came back with beaming smiles and happy stories from the experiences they had away.
The team were involved in working with the local primary school, the Mullewa Parish and the Mullewa Agricultural Society in preparing displays and assisting in Outreach programs in preparation for the Mullewa Show.
Hannah, Lily, Maddison and Mrs Pollard extend their gratitude to Mr McClorey and the Newman College team for allowing them to take part in this rich program for Year 11 students. We look forward to being involved once again in the Mullewa Immersion for 2024.
Kathy Pollard
RE Teacher
Staff Service Day
On Tuesday 27 August the staff took part in a 'Staff Service Day.' The day revolves around our commitment to the MaJEC program at school.
Our staff were placed across various agencies and service tasks in Northam, Perth City and CanningVale. Staff helped the elderly, worked alongside people with mixed abilities, donated blood, cleaned roadsides, gardened and sorted charity donations.
Congratulations to all involved and we look forward to continuing to promote MaJEC throughout the rest of the year.
Year 9 Camino
On Monday 4 September the Year 9’s embarked on their leg of the Camino Cabagniol by walking from Wooroloo to Stoneville along the Kep Track. The journey was a length of 21.7 km and named ‘The Jordan’ after St Joseph’s School Northam’s first Headmistress, Sister Columba Jordan.
Students enjoyed some wintery weather conditions and relished in the opportunity to push on with the distance despite developing tired legs. The Year 9’s also appreciated the story involved within the walk and the opportunity to journey with peers.
We thank the staff and Kate Candeloro for helping facilitate the day.
Lloyd Reidy
REC Coordinator
Parish Sacramental Program
The Parish Sacramental Program Coordinator, Mrs Kathy Pollard, wishes to advise families that the Parish is considering holding the Commitment Ceremony for each Sacrament prior to or at the first parent/student workshop. If you have any queries regarding the Sacramental Program, please contact Kathy on 0429 685 632.
Dear Families & Friends,
Thank you to everyone who attended our Father’s Day Breakfast and Junior Athletics Carnival last week. The sun was shining, the Daddy/Child Piggy Back Race will be remembered for a long time to come and students from Pre-Primary to Year 3 showed outstanding sportsmanship, resilience and determination. Thank you to Ms Frost for her brilliant preparation of the carnival and to all of the staff who helped out in different ways on the day. Best of luck to our NSSA Interschool Athletics Team who will be representing St Joseph’s on Friday, 15 September.
Perth Scorchers
Thank you to representatives from the Perth Scorchers who visited us on Thursday and ran cricket clinics with students in Years 3 and 6, as well as lunchtime activities for everyone. We truly appreciate when sporting teams take the time to inspire our students.
May you all have a beautiful week ahead.
Michelle Christian
Head of Primary
Class in Focus: Kindergarten Gold
WOW. I can’t believe it is Week 8 already. We have been very busy down in Kindy Gold. This term we have been learning all about WATER. We have talked all about rain and the water cycle. We did an experiment to show that when clouds get full it rains and made our own rain cloud picture using cotton wool and blue food dye in eye droppers.
We read the story "Noah's Ark" and we made ark murals. We learnt the colours of the rainbow and used a torch and a glass of water to make our own rainbow.
We then moved on to learning about the oceans. We are reading a book called "Orange Fish" and are learning about the animals in it. So far, we have learnt about fish, whales, sharks and turtles.
In Numeracy we have be practicing our counting. We have been focusing really hard on counting one thing at a time and recognising our numerals. We have also been exploring the concept of time. We have done simple sequencing and learnt about the things we do during the day and at night.
In Literacy we have been learning our SATPIN sounds and orally blending words together.
We are looking forward to a rest on the holidays.
Rhonda Oliver
Kindy Gold Teacher
Class in Focus: Year 6 Blue
Wow! This term has gone so fast. This term everyone in Year 6 Blue has been working incredibly hard both in and out of the classroom. Over the past couple of weeks, the students have been busy holding food stalls and sporting activities for Marcellin and Lenihan day. During the next two weeks, some students will be participating in the Interschool Athletics Carnival and a football game against Newman College in Perth. These students are very excited to be representing the School.
In English, we are learning about the difference between a biography and autobiography, and how to write them. This week the students are writing a biography about someone they admire and next week they will be writing an autobiography about their own life. Each student is very excited to share their own story.
In Mathematics we have been focusing percentages and determine the new price of items when they are on sale. Two weeks ago, the students created their own clothing shop where they had to determine the price and sale price of clothing items. The students really enjoyed this lesson as it showed them how percentages are important in our daily life.
In Technology we have been learning about the life cycles of crops grown within WA and how farming technology has changed over time. Over the next 3 weeks the students are designing a new healthy Canteen item where they are researching how a particular ingredient is produced and how the advancement of farming technology has changed over time. The students are very excited to start designing and cooking their new canteen item.
This term in HASS our theme is History of Australian Migration. We began the unit by looking at our own family background to see what countries our family is from. Since then, the students have been learning about how migration has shaped Australia, particularly the ‘Ten Pound Pom Scheme’. Students have been learning about push and pull factors that influence people to migrate, and they were particularly moved by Anh Do’s story migrating from Vietnam. At the moment, the students are working hard on researching about a particular person’s experiences migrating to Australia. I can’t wait to hear their stories.
Overall, the students are thoroughly enjoying this term and are super excited about what it will bring.
Cameron Watson
Year 6 Blue
Last Tuesday, 29 August, St Joseph’s School staff spent the day performing Christian Service about the community. Staff were creative in finding different avenues in which they could help out such as donating blood, weeding, Share & Care, St Vinnies, roadside clean-up and at the St Joseph’s Parish. Well done everyone who took part in a very rewarding day and thank you to Mr Reidy for organising.
I was very lucky to join Mrs Christian on the School stand at the Dowerin Field Days last week. The sheer scale of this show was amazing, but you could certainly still feel the positive country vibes. We had a lovely day together.
On Wednesday 30 August the Years 7 to 10 students had a Talk Money Incursion thanks to Ecstra Foundation. It is designed to help Australian school students learn money lessons for life, to be confident talking about money and to make informed financial decisions. The program is provided at no cost to schools, enabling more students to access financial education at key life stages. Talk Money workshops are delivered by trained facilitators, providing an engaging and interactive learning experience.
Father’s Day at our Primary Campus was a fantastic day. It was lovely to see so many positive male role models in our students' lives. Thank you to the Primary and Secondary staff who came in early to make the Father’s Day BBQ Breakfast a huge success.
The Secondary Student Leaders organised RUOK? Week this week. There were staff vs student competitions in the library, meditation and cupcakes. It was a lovely week with a big thank you to the Student Leaders.
God Bless
Sharon Cusack
Head of Secondary
ACC Success
We had such a great day at the ACC Athletics with some amazing results and lots of PB's by students. Please see the results below:
Individual results
U13 girls
2nd - Marley Ferguson
U13 boys
3rd - Parker Byfield
4th - Toby Della
U14 girls
3rd - Isabelle Dymnicki
U14 boys
5th - Bailey Naughton
U15 boys
3rd - Jayden Oliver
U19 girls
2nd - Lily Parker
U19 Boys
2nd - Kale Treloar
Team results :
Junior girls - 1st
Junior boys - 4th
Senior girls - 2nd
Senior boys - 5th
Overall - 3rd (the best result since I've been here)
Thank you so much to Cameron Greenley and Michelle O'Driscoll for all your help and support for training, selection and on the day.
The rain held off just long enough for us to get out of the stadium!
Adrienne Suckling
HOLA - Health & PE
Secondary Football Tipping
Congratulations to Fraser Horsburgh who is this year's winner of the Secondary School Students' Footy Tipping Competition. Fraser finished 4 tips clear of second place and won two pizzas for his success.
Thank you to all who joined the competition - the money you all raised goes to Project Compassion.
Lloyd Reidy
2024 SJS Leavers' Jumper
Our current Year 11 students have the opportunity to purchase a 2024 Leavers' Jumper for next year. A letter has been emailed home today and orders close on Friday 13 October 2023. Orders can be made online at:
2024 SJS Leavers Jumper Letter (Link)
Rebecca Doughty
Secondary Teacher & Leavers' Jumper Coordinator
School Calendar
The school calender is accessed via the School website or the Schoolzine app. Please ensure that you keep refering to this calendar throughout the year.
You are encouraged to check the calendar for upcoming events that may involve your family.
Andrea Woodgate
Parent Participation Scheme
Did you know that the School offers a reduction in your school fees?
Families have the ability to work off a portion of their fees through voluntary help at the School. This is a great way to get involved and set a wonderful example of vollunteering for your child.
Whilst assisting in the Canteen is an obvious way to help, other activities encouraged include:
- Classroom assistance
- Reading assistance
- Officiating at swimming & athletics carnivals
- Gardening
- Running or assisting with fundraising activities
- Covering books for the Library
Forms and pamphlets are available from the Primary Office or download through the website at
Once completed, please hand in to the Business Manager, Ms Quinn, by the end of Term 3 - the forms can be dropped into either Admin Office and Ms Quinn will arrange for the deduction of the Levy from your School Fees Account.
Sharon Quinn
Business Manager
Early Years School Entry Health Assessment
The Avon and Central Wheatbelt Community Nurse, Aimee Leeson, has provided each Kindergarten student with a Confidential Enrolment/Consent Form and asks that parents/guardians complete the Form and return this to School as soon as practical.
This important Early Years Health Assessment will be undertaken during this year with students being withdrawn from class. Should you have any queries regarding your child’s Assessment, please contact Aimee Leeson, Community Health Nurse Avon & Central Wheatbelt Primary Health, phone 9690 1320 or email:
The Canteen continues to operate with the WINTER MENU - please check the current menu and daily specials before ordering.
Term 4 will see the change over to our Summer Menu. As soon as the menu has been finalised it will be placed up on our website and a notification will be sent out via Facebook and the SchoolZine App.
You are encouraged to please order online. If we experience connectivity issues with the online ordering, please revert to using lunch bags to place orders for that day.
Recess or snack items ordered online are available for students to collect from the Canteen at their Recess break. Milo pops and icypoles can be collected from the Canteen following the second lunch bell.
Canteen Support - Volunteers Required
Due to high demand on our quality food and service we need helpers to ensure that our kids get their lunches on time. In order to function to our highest potential, we ideally need 2 or more volunteers a day. Volunteering is a great way to teach your kids about giving, modelling them for the future. Also, every shift you do at our School helps you towards qualifying for a Parent Participation discount on your annual fees.
We would love to welcome you into our fun, and busy environment and see the smiles on your children’s faces when they see you in their school. If you are able help, please sign up online at the new sign up link -
Our Primary Canteen Helper Roster for Term 3 is below. Volunteers are urgently needed so please consider offering an hour or two one morning.
Primary - Week 9
Tuesday | 12 Sep | Need a Helper | Need a Helper |
Wednesday | 13 Sep | Need a Helper | Need a Helper |
Thursday | 14 Sep | Sara Chipper | Need a Helper |
Friday | 15 Sep | Need a Helper | Need a Helper |
Primary - Week 10
Tuesday | 19 Sep | Need a Helper | Need a Helper |
Wednesday | 20 Sep | Em Fulwood | Need a Helper |
Thursday | 21 Sep | Need a Helper | Need a Helper |
Friday | 22 Sep | Need a Helper | Need a Helper |
I look forward to working with you. If you have any queries, you are always welcome to contact the Canteen on the number below.
Angela Sandrini
Canteen - 9621 3525
Opening Times: Mondays - 3.15pm to 4.45pm
Thursdays - 2.45pm to 4.15pm
During Term 3, students are required to wear their winter uniform.
As we head towards Term 4, now is the time to look at your child's summer uniform and order replacements, if necessary.
Holiday Opening Hours: Friday 6 October 2023 (appointments required)
- 9.00am - 12.00pm: General Opening Hours
- 1.00pm - 4.00pm: 2023 new Families Only
Families wishing to access the Uniform Shop are advised that the online shop is the preferred method of ordering uniforms. If items are required to be tried on, then an appointment should be made by contacting the Primary Admin on 9621 3500. We are continuing to limit numbers in the Uniform Shop so an appointment is preferred. Please note we can not accept email or telephone orders.
Bookings can be made by phoning the Primary Admin or email Michelle James
Please also keep in mind when ordering, that your items will go home Tuesday and Friday of each week, as Monday and Thursday are the days the Shop is open. When placing an order via the Online Shop, it will appear on a report the following day. For example; if you place your order on Monday, the report issues on Tuesday which means it will not be organised until Thursday, and will go home on Friday.
Michelle James
Primary - 9621 3524
There are so many exciting events still to take place this year that the P&F are involved in. If you would like to volunteer or can help out in any way, please reach out via the School or by phone, 0424288354. Remember: many hands make light work!
Class/Library Book Covering
Ever wanted to help from the comfort of your home?
We have boxes of books processed and ready to be covered, all supplies (tape and plastic) provided. Pick-up is from our Primary Campus Library.
Welcome to anyone new, grandparents and friends can cover on your behalf. All support and help is appreciated.
Please remember to complete your parent participation form.
Email Kylie Dymnicki, Education and Library Assistant:
Next P&F Meeting
Our next P&F meeting will be held in Term 4. The day and time will be advised early - all parents and caregivers are welcome to attend and we encourage everyone to come along and see how you can help out.
Follow us on Facebook
To stay up to date with the P&F please follow our Facebook page. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.
See our Facebook page for more updates.
Casey Pearse
P&F President
Parish Priest - Fr Stephen Jean Paul Victor
Assistant Priest - Fr Rubenson Cardona
Mass Times ~ Saturday Vigil @ 5.30pm
~ Sunday Mass @ 8.00am
Presbytery Phone: 08 9622 5411
Parish News ~ Children's Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy sessions are held during the 8.00am Sunday Mass.
Primary School
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays. VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations. They are a great school holiday activity and they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.
Secondary School
If your child has turned 14 years old, or will be turning 14 years in the same calendar year of the course, you can enrol them in VacSwim so they can get their Bronze Medallion during the summer school holidays. They’ll learn advanced survival, rescue and resuscitation skills to help keep them and others safe in the water.
Enrol now at:
Enrolments for the CLOSE for the Early Start and January Programs:
- Early Start Program: Thursday 12 October 2023
- January Program: Thursday 26 October 2023
School Dental Therapy Centre
Please note that the School Dental Therapy Centre has reopened in their Northam Centre, located on the Northam Primary School campus.
If any students require Dental Care please contact us at the following:
Northam Dental Therapy Centre
c/- Northam Primary School
entry via Duke Street
0458 644 530
Better Health Program
The Better Health Program is a free, 10-week healthy lifestyle program for you and your child run during each school term. Weekly discussions include topics such as good nutrition, forming positive habits, becoming a healthier family and being physically active.
The program is available online and face-to-face formats. Both versions include a bunch of great freebies and a reward at the end!
Visit at Betterhealth
Phone 1300 822 953
WA Female Football Academy
At the West Australian Female Football Academy, our aim is to help female footballers evolve their football knowledge and abilities at all levels of the game with programs designed to assist in the development of female footballers from beginners to elite level.
Registration is now open for our Future Stars 2-day Super Clinic which will be running during the September school holidays. This time we’ll also be at the home of the West Coast Eagles!
Our participants have the opportunity to be coached and learn AFL skills firsthand from some of the West Coast Eagles AFLW coaches and players including; Jess Sedunary, Jaide Britton, Shanae Davison, Charlie Thomas, Krstel Petrevski and Lauren Wakfer!
Registration Link:
Springtime Stargazing
Spring is the perfect time to get out under dark country skies and be in awe of the sparkling stars and planets overhead. But that’s not all, let’s throw in a close encounter between Saturn and the Moon, the Spring Equinox AND Scorpio!
The Spring Equinox is on 23 September and marks the transition from winter in the southern hemisphere. The number of hours of daylight will almost equal darkness!
Spring is a great time to find the constellation Scorpio! It’s a large constellation that forms the shape of a scorpion! It is currently visible throughout the evening, lying directly overhead at around 8.00pm. Look for a reddish star called Antares that lies in the centre of the constellation. See if you can find the curve of Scorpio’s body and the sting in its tail stretching across the sky!
Something interesting: Antares is a super-giant red star several hundred times the diameter of our Sun and is about 600 light-years from Earth.
When to look: after 8.00pm during spring.
Which direction to look: Directly overhead.
For some fun stargazing, the full Moon makes a close approach to brilliant Saturn on 27 September and the pair will look stunning together. For those with telescopes or high-powered binoculars, check out the beautiful ring system of Saturn.
Donna Vanzetti and Carol Redford, Astrotourism WA